Waterfall Name: Frederick W Parker Jr Bridge
Aka: Point Rock Waterfalls
Location: Annsville Twn
First Visit: 05-09-2007
State: New York State
Region: Central Region
County: Oneida County
Park Area: ————-
NYS Tourism Region: Central Leatherstocking
NYDEC Region: Western Adirondacks/Eastern Lake Ontario
Waterfall Challenge:————-
Waterfall Location: N43.37796 W75.56813
Parking: N43.37796 W75.56813
Trailhead: ————-
Trail Name, Reference to: ————-
Stream, River: Unnamed Stream, East Branch Fish Creek
Height, Type: ————-
Elevation: 1025 ft
Level of Difficulty, Hiking Distance: Short
Whitewater Rte, Canoe Rte Map: www.americanwhitewater.org/content/River/detail/id/1306
Maps: ————-
My Resource: www.americanwhitewater.org/content/River/detail/id/1306
Book Resource: ————-
Brochures, Travel Guides, Visitor Guides: ————-
Trail_URL: www.fishcreekcabinresort.com
Additional Information: ————-
Photos, Information Contributed to other Websites: Dig the Falls, Northern New York Waterfalls
Landmark: ————-
Nearest Intersection: Coal Hill Rd (County Route 67a) and Sheehan Rd
Directions: From the Yorkland Rd Put In, following the directions for the fish creek Kayak run, Continue on Yorkland Rd and drive northwest for .7 miles. Turn left onto Sheehan Rd and drive for 1.2 miles.
Comments, Notes: ————-