Smokey Hollow Falls and Black Creek Reservoir (Historical) 5-2-2015
The following were locations that I wanted to check out and see what I would find.
Smokey Hollow Falls, Herkimer County, New York. This small waterfall is located in Smokey Hollow, and I am not sure of the proper name. There is no access to get down in as it is posted, roadside view only.
Smokey Hollow Falls 5-2-2015
Black Creek Reservoir is located in Herkimer County, New York. The property all around this is now posted. The landowner took the time and walked us in to this and was telling us that the dam was taken down about 12 years ago. He also did confirm information regarding a small waterfall further upstream, and suggested I go back and he would take me to it. I took a few extra photos of the area as I was impressed by the fact that where we were standing once was completely all water.
Black Creek Reservoir Historical 5-2-2015
The photo above the gentleman stated that all the way to the tree line in the background was water.
The above is all that is left of the dam.
The next couple of photos is a couple of locations I wanted to check out and they were really not something great.
Big Bill Brook
Hurricane Brook
I was also passing by Prospect Falls, and grab another photo. Every time I am in this location I can never hit it when any volume of water is flowing.
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