Waterfall Name: Martinsburg Falls
Aka: ————-
Location: Martinsburg Twn
First Visit: 06-07-2015
State: New York State
Region: Northern Region
County: Lewis County
Park Area: ————-
NYS Tourism Region: Adirondack Mountains
NYDEC Region: Western Adirondacks/Eastern Lake Ontario
Waterfall Challenge: ————-
Waterfall Location: N43.73505 W75.47233
Parking: N43.73544 W75.47234
Trailhead: ————-
Trail Name, Reference to: ————-
Stream, River: Roaring Brook
Height, Type: Less then 15ft,Drop
Elevation: 1175 ft
Level of Difficulty, Hiking Distance: Roadside view
Whitewater Rte, Canoe Rte Map: ————-
Maps: ————-
My Resource: Northern New York Waterfalls
Book Resource: ————-
Brochures, Travel Guides, Visitor Guides: ————-
Trail_URL: ————-
Additional Information: ————-
Photos, Information Contributed to other Websites: Dig the Falls
Landmark: Martinsburg Highway Dept
Nearest Intersection: Cemetery Rd and Alger Rd (Corrighan Hill Rd)
Directions: From the intersection of Hwy 26 and Whittaker Rd in Martinsburg, head south on Hwy 26 for .1 mile. Turn right onto Cemetery St and drive .2 miles to where it meets Magdaline St/Water St, do not turn here continue straight on Cemetery Rd. You will immediately come to Corrighan Hill Rd on your left, turn here and park in the highway department facility. The top view of the falls is below the bridge. There is also a chute like falls on the opposite side of the bridge. The best time to view the falls is most likely in early spring or late fall when the growth does not obscure your view.
Comments, Notes: Plans for returning to this location. Further information states an access point from the bottom.
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